
Tarkhan in bookstores!

Published by Suisei at 09/12/2020 à 16h00

Hi everyone!

Christmas is coming, it's almost holiday time, we will soon be able to exchange our germs. :p

For the occasion, and also for those who missed the Ulule crowdfunding in 2019, I announce that the comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller is available for sale here on the store, or by contacting Marialexie, and also in a bookstore! \o/

I'm not kidding you, you can get Tarkhan at the Parisian bookstore Les Mots à la Bouche! :D

So you'll be able to put the comic under your Christmas tree!
Don't dawdle, there are not many copies left. First come, first served! :p

For the contributors who were waiting for their comics in person, since the usual Drink'N'Draw Paris brasserie had to close as fast as it reopened and the situation doesn't seem to be close to get better, I'm going to contact you by private message to ask you if you still want to wait until we can meet around a drink or if you prefer that I finally send it to you by post.

Otherwise, apart from Tarkhan, I have made good progress on the comics platform project TGCM Comics. You can see the detailed progress of the project on this blog which serves as a development journal. I've also taken an illustration break for the last 2 weeks so I don't become a complete weirdo by doing only code. x)
I'm going to detail all this in future news dedicated to all this in order not to pollute the news feed of Tarkhan.

That's all for the news!
Have a nice day and see you soon! :D


Categories : Comics, News and chitchat,

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Tipeee and Patreon pages updated

Published by Suisei at 14/10/2020 à 15h45
Updated by Suisei at 14/10/2020 à 08h41

Hi everybody!

Today I'm here to announce that I've finally been able to update my Tipeee and Patreon home pages. :D

For those who are discovering, these are patronage platforms where one can support the activity of an artist/author by giving a small obole monthly or punctually.
On Tipeee you can even help for free by watching promotional videos.

The mini comic presentation of the Patreon page. I'm happy with this cute style like comic Artist for Rent. :D

These two pages have been existed for 2 years now and I thank all the patrons who have helped. It doesn't allow me to live from my creations but it give me a boost of self-confidence knowing that there are people who believe in me and my skills.
So, thank you all! :)

Like many artists, I got a bit fooled by proposing content that required extra work (illustrations, tutorials, graphic resources...) that glanced at my usual activities (i.e. my comics and software development) to try to make these pages attractive.
I couldn't do everything when I was unemployed, so now that I've found a full-time job to fill the fridge, it's going to be even more complicated. Plus, this bonus content didn't seem to really inspire much enthusiasm.
So I've concocted something simpler for you.

Today I'm here to present you the changes I've made to these pages:

What will remain

Obviously, the comics will remain since they are the main content and the reason why I opened these pages. ^^

I'm going to stay on the free web comic formula (because you have to publish content on the Internet regularly to attract new readers) with one month advance access and no watermark for patrons for serial projects.
I also add Dragon Cat's Galaxia 1/2. Although this comic book features licenced characters, this one remains in the register of parody and humor.
I also have non parodic fan comics ideas. Those will obviously not be financed via these platforms.

On the other hand, for one-shot projects I'll do the same as for Tarkhan: the first pages published for free to give a preview, but the rest accessible exclusively to patrons and purchasers of the comicbook (because publishing content regularly on the Internet is useless if it's limited in time).

G-rated illustrations

The HD illustrations will remain as well. I have some in stock and I create new ones regularly, so I shouldn't find myself on a tight stream anytime soon.

What will disappear
NSFW illustrations

Exit the NSFW illustrations. I like to draw nudes of beautiful males from time to time, but unlike the other illustrations, I don't have a stock in advance, so I'm on a tight stream. It annoys me to have to force myself to do this kind of illustrations when I don't feel like it and especially when I don't have an interesting idea in mind instead of working on the main content.
Moreover, the audience that supports me on Tipeee and Patreon is not the most interested in this kind of content (as far as I know), so if I ever propose this again, it might be elsewhere, on a different account or on another platform. For the moment I put it aside.


No more tutos. It's long to write and format, it's never read, and since there are lots of free tutos on YouTube, nobody wants to pay for it. I'd rather share and answer questions about my tips and tricks in person during meetings or on my live Twitch.

Graphic resources

Exit the graphic resource pack (brushes, patterns, color catalog...). As for NSFW illustrations, I don't necessarily have one every month to offer. It is important to know that I produce these graphic resources according to my needs when I work on my comics, so I don't get them out on a regular basis. Moreover, the resources in question don't necessarily correspond to your needs every month.
People interested in my brush and screentone packs to use in their own comics made it clear to me that they preferred to buy them occasionally according to their needs on my own online store even if it meant paying the price and that going through Tipeee and Patreon for that bothered them.
They see these platforms as a patronage system but not as buying platforms.

So I'm simply going to remove that and I'll modify my online store to add the possibility to buy dematerialized goods.

What will be new?

Well, I'm going to incorporate into the main content my other activity that I had ignored in the rewards even though it occupies a huge part of my work: software development. Obviously all this is related.

This activity includes, in addition to the evolution and maintenance of, the development of the Péguy project, my games projects, as well as a comic platform project.

TGCM Comics (Website - in dev)

TGCM Comics is a web platform project dedicated to web comics and webtoons where budding or experienced authors will be able to publish their stories and exchange directly with their audience without technical knowledge on the web.

Here's a mock-up that gives an idea of what it will look like.

As soon as the main functionalities are ready the site will be made available in beta test for patrons.

Why this project?

Many other such platforms have emerged in recent years. So I hesitated for a while before launching this project, but seeing that all of them impose trending algorithms that give headaches to many authors of the web, I recently decided to propose a project where this type of algorithm will simply be inexistent.

The default display on the home page will be based on the principle of the random playlist guaranteeing an equal rate of visibility for all comics and a real freedom of choice for the readers, allowing authors to create at their own pace without mess up thair health to go up any rankings.

This is this fall's priority project.
So I will post news regularly and soon to keep you informed of its progress and present you little by little the proposed features. I've opened a development blog (French) for this purpose that I will feed about once a week. It has a suggestion box (French) if you want to ask questions or suggest features.

Péguy (Web application - in dev)

Péguy is a web application that since 2018 allows me to automatically generate certain graphic effects, patterns and scenery elements for my comics. It has brought me a huge gain in productivity.

As it is beginning to take a form that can be used by laymen in programming and mathematics, I will soon put it online.

Initially, this will be an early access reserved for patrons. Then, I will propose a small subscription system for non-patrons with a trial period. Naturally, the patrons will keep their access during this second phase. :D

Wizeknight Brotherhood (Online game - in dev)

Wizeknight Brotherhood is an online RPG project with a slightly unusual format.
Basically, take World of Warcraft and put a visual novel interface on it, and you'll get an idea of the final result.

In this game you will explore the world of Tellura, a Tolkian fantasy world, and conduct quests that will make you conclude 'we are not alone in the universe'. :p

In the spring of 2020 I developed a small prototype called A l’Aventure Compagnons which gives a vague idea of the principle.

I am tempted to keep this pencil rendering for Wizeknight Brotherhood.

A l’Aventure Compagnons is playable, just download the client from this page. Don't hesitate to come and pull my ears on Discord if you see that I forgot to switch on the server. :p

For the moment the engine of Wizeknight Brotherhood is under development and the first test phases will take place in pure text mode.

This good old scary UNIX console. The MUDs, the ancestors of MMORPGs, looked like this and they still exist with active communities. :D
You can find them here.


As for the rewards, here again I decided to simplify things so that I could concentrate on the projects I have just listed. The basic reward will give you access to the content I just mentioned. I'm not going to make different levels of access, otherwise I think that some content will have no audience or too little. The higher counterpart levels will give access to HD scans of my artwork.
I'm way behind on the old formula's rewards. I'll try to deliver all the promised content in the coming weeks, except for the NSFW illustrations, I might get stuck doing only that. x)

That's all for today!
Have a nice week and see you soon! :D


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Dragon Cat's Galaxia 1/2 - Gonakin

Published by Suisei at 03/09/2020 à 15h45
Updated by Suisei at 03/09/2020 à 19h39

Hi everyone!

It's been a while since I gave you news about Dragon Cat's Galaxia 1/2, well let's fix that! :D

Last year was the third edition of the Ki-oon mangaka contest. I participated and, since the rules don't explicitly forbid parody, I decided to play the provocation card by sending them a little Dragon Cat's one-shot.

In spite of the absence of any feedback, I had the satisfaction of succeeding in making a 20-page comic in the space of 10 days, from the first line of script to the coloring of the cover and posting it 15 minutes before the end of the contest. There was a little aspect not quite finished compared to what I usually do (the screentones were missing, the FX and the colors of the cover were flat), but still, it's a not bad performance. I will soon be as fast as I was in my teens. x)

Pages without screentones or FX.

A cover with flat colors, 1h30 watch in hand.

At the beginning of the summer of 2020 the buddy JD came to warn me that the emblematic Japanese magazine of manga prepublication, the Shonen Jump, was opening the hundredth edition of its famous Tezuka contest for the search of young talents internationally! And that Akira Toriyama, the Dragon Ball creator, himself, was part of the jury! :D

The perfect opportunity to send my joke.

So last week I finished the screentones and colors of the cover to participate.
The comic is available in English and Japanese reading way on the website hosting the contest.

I will post it in better resolution and in French as well as in English on my website in the coming days, so feel free to have a look from time to time or simply subscribe to Dragon Cat's here to be notified of the pages publication by email.
I'll take this opportunity to put it back in a western reading way to harmonize with the other episodes of the comic so that you won't get lost when reading it. =)

Looks better when it's finished, doesn't it? x)

I'm planning to print this comic, but 20 pages is pretty thin, so I'm going to combine it with another short (very short) story that I plan to do in the next few months. I can already announce you that it will be entitled The crottin's war!
You're not dreaming, we'll talk about cheese in Dragon Cat's. And good cheese! :p
I will tell you more about this little project later.

Otherwise, for the record, this one-shot, Gonakin, is actually the remake of the Dragon Cat's prototype of which I drew the very first pages in 1998, when I was 12 years old.

Without retouching, it looked like this. The pages were drawn on both sides. It certainly does not make us feel any younger!

This old version is available online here if you enjoy reading it.
I'll have to think about finishing cleaning and posting the rest, it's still fun all this old stuff.

That's all for today!
Have a nice day and see you soon! :D


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Comic Artist for Rent has its website!

Published by Suisei at 19/08/2020 à 15h45

Hi everyone!

Today I announce you that I just opened a section dedicated to the comic Comic Artist for Rent on ! :D

For those who discover Comic Artist for Rent it is a humorous comic book relating anecdotes that I lived or witnessed as a young comic artist in the process of professionalization. I made it in early summer 2019 within ten days.
100% of lived experience!

On this new section extracts of the comic are available for free reading. If you're a budding scriptwriter and you're planning to approach artists, don't hesitate to take a look at it in order to be well-armed in your quest. x)

The patrons of Tipeee and Patreon will receive an access code in a few moments to be able to read the entire comic online.

That's all for today!
Have a nice day and see you soon! :D


Categories : Comics, News and chitchat,

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Tarkhan Skullkiller - rewards sent!

Published by Suisei at 23/07/2020 à 15h45
Updated by Suisei at 23/07/2020 à 10h46

Hi everyone!

Today, I announce that the Tarkhan Skullkiller campain rewards to be delivered by post are all sent! :D

For those who are waiting for their parcels this way, it's time to keep an eye on your mailbox. You should receive it within a few days. ^^
When you receive it, don't hesitate to let me know by a private message, an email, or on Discord, with a picture of your acquisitions if you want.

About the friends from Drink'N'Draw Paris, as the bar still hasn't opened, we'll find a solution to meet when I come back from holidays to deliver the rewards to you. In the meantime, your rewards are waiting in the warmth of my home. :)

Speaking of vacations, I warn you that I'm leaving from July 25 to August 10 in a hole with no Internet or phone network. I will therefore be unreachable during this period and I will not be able to process any order placed on the store until I return.

It's still the same lake and the same forest. It's nice to be in this little corner of nature. :)

That's all for the news.
Have a nice week-end and see you soon! =)


Categories : Comics, News and chitchat,

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Tarkhan Skullkiller - Comic books are arrived!

Published by Suisei at 19/07/2020 à 15h45

Hello everyone!

I've got some big news for you. The comic books of Tarkhan Skullkiller have arrived! :D

And don't forget the fanarts gallery at the end!

So all I have to do now is draw the signed sketches and send the rewards! The comic will soon be in your hands! :D
I will give priority to the rewards that will have to be sent by la Poste. I will manage to send them before I go on holiday. As for the rewards to be hand delivered to the friends of Drink'N'Draw Paris we'll see on my return if the bar has reopened. If not, we'll find an alternative solution.

Other news, I opened a fanarts gallery on the Tarkhan Skullkiller's website, so you can find the illustrations of the Drink'N'Draw Paris friends. If you want to publish a fanart here, it's always possible, just contact Suisei through contact form or on Discord.

To view this gallery when you are on the Tarkhan Skullkiller's website, just open the Illustrations menu and click on Fanarts.

I also took the opportunity to open a gallery gathering our illustrations, those of Marialexie and mine, available at this page. This gallery is also accessible through the Illustrations menu.

That's all for today.
Have a nice Sunday and see you soon! =)


Categories : Comics, News and chitchat,

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Tarkhan Skullkiller is being printed!

Published by Suisei at 15/07/2020 à 15h45

Hi everyone!

Today I'm here to announce that the comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller is being printed! :D

If all goes well, the comic books should be delivered at home by the end of the week. I'm really looking forward to holding it and showing it to you. :)

On Monday, I also picked up the prints for your rewards at the printer's.

So, next week-end I'll work on signed sketches and next week I'll send the packages.

That's all for today.
Take care and see you very soon! =)


Categories : Comics, News and chitchat,

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