Tarkhan in bookstores!

Publié par Suisei le 09/12/2020 à 16h00

Hi everyone!

Christmas is coming, it's almost holiday time, we will soon be able to exchange our germs. :p

For the occasion, and also for those who missed the Ulule crowdfunding in 2019, I announce that the comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller is available for sale here on the suiseipark.com store, or by contacting Marialexie, and also in a bookstore! \o/

I'm not kidding you, you can get Tarkhan at the Parisian bookstore Les Mots à la Bouche! :D

So you'll be able to put the comic under your Christmas tree!
Don't dawdle, there are not many copies left. First come, first served! :p

For the contributors who were waiting for their comics in person, since the usual Drink'N'Draw Paris brasserie had to close as fast as it reopened and the situation doesn't seem to be close to get better, I'm going to contact you by private message to ask you if you still want to wait until we can meet around a drink or if you prefer that I finally send it to you by post.

Otherwise, apart from Tarkhan, I have made good progress on the comics platform project TGCM Comics. You can see the detailed progress of the project on this blog which serves as a development journal. I've also taken an illustration break for the last 2 weeks so I don't become a complete weirdo by doing only code. x)
I'm going to detail all this in future news dedicated to all this in order not to pollute the news feed of Tarkhan.

That's all for the news!
Have a nice day and see you soon! :D


Catégories : BD/Comics, News et blabla,


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