Tarkhan Skullkiller : screentones finished!

Publié par Suisei le 09/06/2020 à 15h45
Mis à jour par Suisei le 08/06/2020 à 21h38

Hi everyone!

Today I'm posting this news to announce you that I've finished put the screentones and the sound effects on the comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller ! :D

Screentones: greyscales based on dot patterns.

There's gonna be some fighting in this comic book. :p

I have almost finished to work on the comic page.
There's just one step left and I propose you to do it together on Twitch, next Friday, June 12, 2020 at 8pm. :)

What is this step?

These are the speed and shock effects that are often simulated by lines in manga. You can see some of them on the some pages published online.

Then why do I want to show you this step?

Well, I'm not going to do it by hand or use any software available from the market.
I'm going to use a little software called Péguy that I programmed myself and that I've been using for a little while now and that I continue to develop.

This software doesn't generate only speed lines. It also allows you to generate perspective stone walls and other stuff. :p

The session on Twitch will be the occasion to make you discover Péguy, what it already can do and also introduce the features under development.
You can of course take the opportunity to ask your questions in the Twitch chatbox or on the Discord vocal chat. :)

To be honest, once Tarkhan is finished, I will spend the summer working on this software project in order to make the new features available for next fall. I think I have many advantages to take from this tool given the services it has already provided me. :)

Have a nice week and see you Friday!


Catégories : BD/Comics, Lives/Vidéos, News et blabla,


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