
Comic Artist for Rent has its website!

Published by Suisei at 19/08/2020 à 15h45

Hi everyone!

Today I announce you that I just opened a section dedicated to the comic Comic Artist for Rent on ! :D

For those who discover Comic Artist for Rent it is a humorous comic book relating anecdotes that I lived or witnessed as a young comic artist in the process of professionalization. I made it in early summer 2019 within ten days.
100% of lived experience!

On this new section extracts of the comic are available for free reading. If you're a budding scriptwriter and you're planning to approach artists, don't hesitate to take a look at it in order to be well-armed in your quest. x)

The patrons of Tipeee and Patreon will receive an access code in a few moments to be able to read the entire comic online.

That's all for today!
Have a nice day and see you soon! :D


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