Some brushes for Tarkhan Skullkiller

Published by Suisei at 22/05/2020 à 15h45

Hi everyone!

Today I'm sending you this post to give you some news about the progress of the comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller.

I just finished a whole bunch of reusable graphics and brushes for Clip Studio Paint in order to finish the comic book pages in a reasonable amount of time.

I finished this phase which is not very exciting to stream, so I'll be able to resume live drawing sessions on Twitch. :)
I propose one this Saturday, May 23rd, from 6:00 p.m. until... Until I'm fed up or I've finished a stage, so probably until midnight or 1 am. That way, you can watch the stream when you want. x)
As you can imagine, this time it will be digital work with Clip Studio Paint, so if you want to know more about this software and ask questions, this will be the perfect time for that. :)

Have a nice evening and see you Saturday!


Categories : Comics, Livestream and videos, News and chitchat,


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