Japan Expo 2019 already over!
Published by Suisei at 06/07/2019 à 15h45
Hi everyone!
Today, I am writing this news to announce that Japan Expo 2019 is already over for me.
And yes, I definitely tidied up my booth last evening (Friday).
I would like to thank Copic France for recruiting me for Thursday to do drawing demonstration with Copic alcohol pens. It's always a very nice experience and it allowed me to finalize the reimbursement of my own booth as well as to meet Japanese Copic representatives. :D
I also thank the few irreducible faithful readers who came to the Fantaisisterie booth, appreciating and buying a small piece of my art. It's always nice to know that you can make people dream a little and have a good time with your drawings and stories. =)
Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer curious people at Japan Expo, and yesterday we spent most of the day twiddling our thumbs in the heat.
So, the revenue was much too low compared to the efforts made and I thought it was not worth staying and that it would be better if I spent my time on the Tarkhan comic book that you supported.
So I tidied up my booth and left to never set foot again in this 2019 JE.
Understand that when your work is recognized by professionals, but it is despised as if it were kid work in geek conventions (I'm sure my old kid Dragon Ball fanarts from 20 years ago would sell better than my original pro work in these conventions) and that next door you sell 5 to 10 times more in half the time and with 100 times fewer visitors in comic conventions, you quickly understood where to put your eggs and where not.
I also think that the visitors of geek conventions change over the years. I sold more comics and was asked for more commissions 3 years ago when my work was less visible, badly highlighted on a quarter of a booth.
Therefore, I definitely decide not to take a booth at Japan Expo or any other geek conventions unless invited and paid for and I will focus only on comic book conventions.
If you really like my work, I have no doubt that you will come and visit me in these conventions or that you will order via my online shop. ^^
In the meantime, the Fantaisisterie booth is still there, it's not empty, my friend Steven Style is still there and has his manga Section 9 to offer you.
So if you are at the JE this weekend, don't hesitate to come and see him and support him! :)
Have a nice weekend and see you soon!
Categories : News and chitchat, Events,