Tarkhan Skullkiller: Inking finished!

Published by Suisei at 19/03/2020 à 20h15

Hi everyone!

I hope you're all okay! :)
In these trouble times there is still some good news on the horizon.
Indeed, last weekend, I finally finished the traditional inking of the Tarkhan Skullkiller comic book pages ! \o/

As usual, I updated the progress bars, except on the Patreon's home page because the interface of this platform has changed and became incomprehensible. :/
I'll have to reorganize those crowdfunding pages, but I'll talk about that on another occasion.

Anyway, today I have only digital retouching (corrections, effects, onomatopoeia... ) and the halftones to do.
So, it will be finished soon and it will be facilitated by the containment measures as I no longer have to travel to work. That's what you call looking on the bright side. :p

Otherwise, I would like to do live drawing sessions on Twitch again and more often, but I don't know when or how I'm going to organize that. I'll talk you about that when the time comes. Maybe I'll improvise like my friends, so in order to miss nothing, I invite you to subscribe to my Twitch channel. :p

That's all for the news.
I wish you a good fortnight in your slippers for those who can and good luck for the others. If you're afraid of getting bored, I suggest you ask the geeks around you for advice. This species of homebodies (of which I am one) will be able to suggest you enough activities to keep you busy at home for at least a century. :D

See you soon!



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