Second live video of Tarkhan Skullkiller on Youtube!

Publié par Suisei le 09/06/2019 à 21h15

Hi everyone!

The video of the live we did on Twitch on Thursday May 30th is finally available on Youtube ! =D
If you missed the live, you can now watch the video whenever you want.

We talk about the graphic choices and inspirations of our comics Tarkhan Skullkiller while Suisei inks the page where our hero appears for the first time, all in joy and good mood! :)

Here is the final result of the work session!

The accelerated video of the complete inking process of the page is available on Youtube too.

We also inform you that we have reached 59% of the Ulule campaign goal to print the comic book!
The sun is starting to shine on this project, which now promises to be a reality, and this is thanks to all those who have participated in the project and/or shared it.

Thank you with all our heart! =D

At this point in time, there is still a short week left to make it a reality.
We are counting on you to continue to share the good word in order to help Tarkhan in his adventures! =D

Have a nice day and see you soon!

Suisei and Marialexie


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