Tarkhan Skullkiller on Ulule, just a little change

Publié par Suisei le 03/06/2019 à 15h45

Hi everybody!

Today we announce a small change of plan on our Ulule campaign for our comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller.

In case of success, we will finally print the exact number of orders that will have been placed on Ulule instead of the fifty copies initially planned.

This means that it will be IMPOSSIBLE to buy the comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller after June 15, 2019 at 9pm.

We also specify that we will finish this comic book only if it is successful on Ulule.
So don't delay if you want to know the end of this adventure and be the owner of an exclusivity! ;)

Have a nice day and see you soon!

Suisei and Marialexie


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