Nos Jeux sur Marne

Published by Suisei at 25/05/2019 à 22h15

Hi everybody!

I will do signing at the Nos Jeux sur Marne convention at Nogent-sur-Marne tomorrow (May 26, 2019) ! =D

Nos Jeux sur Marne is a festival dedicated to board games, role-playing games and more generally the geek culture.

It takes place at the Pavillon Baltard at this address:

12 rue Victor Hugo
94130, Nogent-sur-Marne
RER A, Nogent-sur-Marne

You can find me there with my usual gear and in particular my comic books, The Curse of Capillophagocyte and the series of Dragon Cat's Galaxia 1/2 and it will be the occasion to chat again.
If you have any questions about our Ulule campaign for the comic book Tarkhan Skullkiller it is also the right opportunity! :D

Good night and see you tomorrow!



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