Vidau'Bulles 2023
Published by Suisei at 02/06/2023 à 15h45
Hi everyone!
I don't have given news fro a long time.
I'm currently waiting for something special.
I should be able to tell you about it in mid-June, and from then on I hope to be able to give you news more often.
I've also started a big code renovation project for SuiseiPark.
That said, I'm here to announce that this weekend I'll be exhibiting at the Vidau'Bulles comics convention in the Var departement (Southeastern France).
I'll be one of 40 guest authors, including my great accomplice Marialexie.
As the icing on the cake, I made the illustration for this year's poster! :D
Well, I'm notify you a little late. I'm really busy right now. x)
In any case, don't hesitate to drop in and say hello if you're in the area. It's always a pleasure to talk to you. :D
Have a nice week-end and see you soon !